FTP server

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FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it's used to transfer the files between two computers and you can use it to upload or download files to and from your VPS server. Consider FTP server hosting.

Among many FTP server applications out there, we recommend using either ProFTPD or VSFTPD. This guide will cover ProFTPD, as most of configuration is similar with others.

Alternatively, use SFTP or FTP over SSH. For this option, no additional setup and configuration is needed on the VPS, you only need a client that supports it, for example FileZilla.

ProFTPD installation

On CentOS/Fedora:

yum install proftpd

On Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install proftpd

This is all that was required to be set up.

To start the server use one of the following:

... for CentOS/Fedora:

service proftpd start

... for Debian/Ubuntu:

/etc/init.d/proftpd start

ProFTPD configuration

By default, for security purposes, root login is disabled on all FTP servers. You can change this setting by editing the configuration file. All other user accounts that you add to your VPS automatically have FTP server access.

All configuration options can be found in /etc/proftpd.conf.

Here are some of the configuration options that you might want to alter:

Default setting is DefaultRoot ~ !adm - everyone but users in adm group are chrooted (jailed) to their home directory and cannot browser file outside it
Default stting is Port 21 - you can change this if you want your FTP server to run on non standard port
Default setting is RootLogin no - this is a security measure and root login is disabled by default, you can enable it if you need system wide access from FTP however it is much better to create a separate user

Make sure that if you enable RootLogin, you will need to remove root user from /etc/ftpusers file, as this file contains usernames that aren't permited to use the FTP service.

Other options are generally left as they are. If you consider adding TLS to your FTP server for secure access, you can find TLSRSACertificateFile and TLSRSACertificateKeyFile options where you can specify these settings.

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