Terms of service
All information you submit in registering must be true, accurate, current, and complete. You agree to provide and maintain accurate, complete, and updated information to Oxxus.net. You are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account. You must immediately notify Oxxus.net of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security known to you. Oxxus.net will not be responsible for any damages you or your business may suffer. Oxxus.net makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide.
Reselling of web space provided by Oxxus.net is prohibited with any package other than the reseller package.
We vow to do our very best in providing you with expert technical support for any server-related issues. Any website application programming issues, though, are the responsibility of your website developer/designer and not that of a web hosting service provider.
Unacceptable Uses
You are solely responsible for the contents of your transmissions through Oxxus.net. Your use of the service is subject to all applicable international laws and regulations. Clients may not use the service to send chain letters, junk mail or spam or to communicate with any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such communications. You agree that you will not use our services to conduct any activity or solicit the performance of any activity that is prohibited by law or by regulatory authorities. You further agree that you will not use our services in any way which could overburden or impair our services.
You agree that you are responsible for all content that you upload, post, email or otherwise transmit via our services.
Child Pornography
Child Pornography and child sex-related merchandising, or links to such material, is strictly prohibited by Oxxus.net's servers.
Sites of this nature will be removed immediately from the Internet and their accounts will be closed without notice.
Anyone sending unsolicited email (spam) will have their accounts closed immediately without reasoning, even if it was not sent using our servers, but was in any way related to the content on our servers.
Sites of this nature will be removed from the Internet and their accounts will be closed without notice.
Oxxus.net supports free speech on the Internet, and will not suspend or cancel a customer's account simply because it disagrees with the views expressed by the customer or because a customer disagrees with the view expressed by a third party. Where there are allegations that a customer's online activity has violated the legal rights of a third party, Oxxus.net will not substitute itself for a court of law in deciding tort claims raised by the third party.
Reselling / Renting Server Space
Web hosting space is for a client's personal/business website use only. Our hosting services cannot be resold, rented, or redistributed to a third party in any way for any reason whatsoever. Only resellers that are authorised directly by Oxxus.net have a right to redistribute the space and only in the way outlined in the contract between the reseller and Oxxus.net.
Oxxus services may be used for lawful purposes only.
Domain Registration
No refunds whatsoever can be given after the registration of a domain name. All the domain names registered by us, by your request, must be paid in full even if you decide afterwards that you no longer wish to register that domain. After the registration request has been made you must pay for that domain name in full. If the request to register your domain name has not yet been fulfilled by Oxxus.net you have a right to cancel that request.
No Guarantees
Oxxus.net does not guarantee that our web servers will be online any fixed amount of time. The advertised uptime is based on past track records and is not guaranteed future server performance.
Termination / Cancellation / Refunds
You have a right to cancel your web hosting account at any time provided you follow these steps: before cancellation you are responsible for settling any withstanding balances on your account such as withstanding account payments, any extra bandwidth or storage space used up to the date of cancellation. Oxxus.net reserves the right to withhold any funds received up to that date. If the account is cancelled before the expiration of the paid term Oxxus.net reserves the right to withhold all the funds paid by the client. Oxxus.net is not obliged to refund the money unless we feel the refund request is genuine and with viable reasons. Refunds are given only if agreed by both parties.
Oxxus.net shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Oxxus.net's servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever.
Oxxus.net shall be the sole arbiter of what is and is not a violation of these acceptable use policies.
Oxxus.net reserves the right to terminate an account at any time and for any reason that causes harm to any Oxxus.net's customer websites.
Oxxus.net reserves the right to delete all content and files upon account termination.
Oxxus.net reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion.
Dedicated server products are non-refundable. All dedicated servers must be cancelled with 30 days cancellation notice prior to billing date.
The advance payment received will not be returned to the client if they are in the breach of the Oxxus.net acceptable use policy.
Warning: Oxxus.net reserves the right to immediately cancel any hosting account at any time and without notice if it poses an immediately threat to our network, servers, or company, including their reputation, integrity, and security.
Modification of Terms of Service
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on this page and it's your responsibility to review any changes to this agreement. If you continue to use our services after the effective date of such changes, we will assume your acceptance of the changes.
We will not release any confidential information about you without your consent or as required by law or regulatory authority. You acknowledge that some of your contact information will be attached to your domain(s) and will therefore become publicly available..
By signing up for our hosting services you are agreeing to Oxxus.net's Terms of Service.
Boris has gone beyond what I expected by installing the packages I was looking for, and providing documentation for what he has done. This has saved me considerable time and effort. Thank you!