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Viruses, Trojans, how to protect your website

In the past, viruses have only attacted personal computers that shared the same external memories like diskettes, cds, etc.

A while then, they started spreading over the network.


Today, viruses are being spread to your website. Now, how do they do that ?



Network speed and how it effects your website

Often people associate offered bandwidth with network capability. Those are in fact, two different terms.Bandwidth is associated with amount of data you can transfer (both up to your server + and down from your server) in a period of time. Network capability, on the other hand will have a direct impact on the speed of your website and quality of one enjoying your content and online media.Your search engine ranking is also affected by your network uptime and network speed. Your visitors will return if they enjoyed your website's response.



Let us look at number of factors that affect your network capabilities.


Shared vs. VPS (advantages/disadvantages)

Shared hosting is a service where hosting provider sells accounts on one server where can multiply websites be hosted.

It is a very popular way of hosting the website, as it can be quite cheap and useful for small websites not spending alot of resources.

The main disadvantage of the shared hosting is that you are basily living in the same enviroment as other websites.

That can put a question of theoretical risk for your data security, for your emails going through (You all are sending it from one ip address, if one is spamming, all are considered spammers), resource measurment, etc...

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Google optimization

During the weekend I was researching some papers and online forums for google optimization. I was doing it mainly for my own website though, but I wanted to share with the world what I have learned so far.


Google is fastly modifying it's algorithm. It is looking at more and more things to "harvest" the right websites with matched phrases and keywords.


So here we go:

- the name of the page should contain a phrase or topic of the page.

That way search engine will known for certain it's about “that” in page.

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