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Analyzing xferlog file

I wanted to write a few sentences on the xferlog, since I know that not many people pay attention to it, but it really can be useful.


For example, you have an ftp user who does some actions, deletes files, writes file, reads, etc. All these actions are stored with timestamp in xferlog.


System administrator can find out specifically what happened with the files, that are stored or delete, who deleted them, and when.


It is usually located in /var/log/xferlog

Filed under: Linux No Comments

yum vs apt-get differences

Hope you all, readers, had a great day so far.

I want today to present yum vs apt-get differences. I'm sure a lot of users use Fedora Core, and are thinking about switching to Ubuntu or Debian.

The major difference between these systems is your ultimate application for installing, updating and managing packages for the distribution.


For those users who are switching from Fedora to Ubuntu, the yum tool is replaced with another great tool apt-get.


Installing is basically the same, you do 'yum install package' or 'apt-get install package' you get the same result.

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MC intro

I wanted to write a couple of sentences about my linux enviroment.When I work on the shell, I often make use of GNU MC commander, which I discovered quite recently.I guess, that habit I inherited from my Windows enviroment, as I'm used to Windows Commander.
I noticed that not so many professionals working on the shell use MC on daily bases, like I do. It's not necessery for a professional System Administrator to use it, but I think you will get the idea why I'm introducing it to you.
MC (GNU Midnight Commander) is a console file manager, it's free and open source.It can be used remotely in the console or any graphical enviroment.It's main interface consists of two panels, just like in Windows Commander.User can use arrow keys, shortcuts etc. and he can make use of any tool, that you would normally use in console (copy/rename/remove/make directory/etc).User can also rename a group of files, which is particulary handy, knowning that it's a little complicated thing to do in shell enviroment.
Anyhow, for full feature list, get the rpm package, install it, and press F4 for help :)

Filed under: Linux No Comments

APF as a firewall tool

Working in a hosting company brought some standards of use. Personally, I always have a handy premade set of "iptables" rules in one file which I copy and modify at need for my servers, like I suppose majority of system administrators do.

Although I do manage APF tool on my work, just recently I have put it in my personal use.
APF is netfilter (iptables based) firewall system designed to cover all advanced needs of your workstation for net filtering.I will just mention a few of its features that are most interesting to me and maybe will draw your attention:
- Detailed and well commented configuration file (very easy to modify and adjust to user's personal needs)